Are you adopting because of infertility? As far as we know, we do not have any medical infertility issues. For us, adoption is something we've wanted to do for several years in order to grow our family. We understand some couples choose to adopt after facing infertility, and that's great, just not our situation.
We didn't choose adoption because we are "heroes" or because it "saves" children. We are adopting because we are ready to start a family, and adoption provides an opportunity for children to grow up in a stable and loving home when their birthparents are not able to care for them. It is our belief that adoption is the heart of God, and it is also our heart. Is adoption for everyone? Probably not. Is it for us? We believe so!
We recently finished reading a book called "The Adoption Decision" by Laura Christianson. As we read, we were surprised at the number of adoption stories Christianson pointed to in the Bible - stories many of us have heard about for years, but perhaps have overlooked the "adoption" part:
- Esther was adopted by her older cousin, Mordecai
- Moses was adopted by the Pharoah's daughter, Jochebed
- David informally adopts Jonathan's special needs son, Mephibosheth
- Joseph was an adoptive father to Jesus
- Christ offers to adopt all of us as His children
Thanks so much for your prayers & support.

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