Adoption Process

Timeline for Adoption #2
(starting with most recent)

{21 mar 12}  Wait officially begins
{10 jan 12}  Second home study visit
{12 dec 11}  Criminal background checks
{7 nov 11}  First home study visit
{5 sept 11}   Send home study paperwork to Adopt
{18 aug 11}  Conf. call consultation w/agencies to discuss process from overseas

Ezra's Adoption Timeline
(starting with most recent)

From paperwork to placement the process was 8 months and 27 days.
From paperwork to finalization the process was 17 months and 29 days.

{7 mar 11} Finalization Hearing
{13 nov 10} Pact seminar // Lifetime Journey
{11 nov 10} 3rd Post-Placement Visit
{01 sept 10} 2nd Post-Placement Visit
{07 July 10} 1st Post-Placement Visit
{09 june 10} Bring home baby Ezra
{07 june 10} Matched with M
{22 may 10} Pact seminar // Adopt Talk
{06 feb 10} Pact seminars // Parenting Strategies + School Decisions
{23 jan 10} Pact seminar // True Colors
{06 jan 10} The wait officially begins
{21 dec 09} Home Study Visit #3
{03 dec 09} Home Study Visit #2
{02 dec 09} Building Community Across Cultures mtg w/Pact
{25 nov 09} Home Study Visit #1
{23 nov 09} Physical exams
{01-20 nov 09} We visit Cambodia // Pact and Adopt assess paperwork
{29 oct 09} Criminal background checks
{27 oct 09} Send home study paperwork to Adopt
{17 oct 09} Pact seminar // Baby Care for Adopted Infants
{16 oct 09} Preliminary consult with Pact
{30 sept 09} Choose Pact, send prelim paperwork
{16 sept 09} Decide to pursue domestic adoption
{july 08} Move back to USA
{nov 07} We talk about starting family thru adoption. Living & working in Cambodia makes it complicated.