Our nursery theme... OWLS! Colors... orange, brown, sage, teal. I've always loved owls, but inspiration for the nursery officially began with this cute little guy...

Equally inspiring was our little travel swing by Fisher Price...

And for sleep... we are honored to be using a "one-year mini crib" (something my grandma says used to be "all the rave") that belonged to my grandpa when he was a baby, and then used again by my mom, aunts, uncles, cousins... and even me! Perhaps one of its most unique features is it has wheels, and is small and light enough to fit through doorways. Great for us, since we plan on co-sleeping (at least in the same room), but will also have the option of moving the crib around the house.
Here's my hubby cleaning it up and putting it together... (isn't he the cutest?)

I even got these super cute patches on Etsy to appliqué onto the mini crib bumper I found...

I'll keep posting as the projects move along...
A car seat was at the top of our priority list, so a couple of weeks ago we got an orange and grey Chicco travel system (car seat/stroller combo that click together) on Craigslist... excellent condition, half the price...
Registries? While we'll probably hold off any showers until after we've been officially matched, the registries have officially started at BabiesRUs and MyRegistry.com. x
Great Tania! It's so much fun getting ready and I totally believe that the nesting process is vital to getting ready for a baby. That's my favorite part! Love the owls!